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Latest revision as of 14:59, 13 June 2015
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[edit] Contact Info:
- Email:
- Office: Mayer Hall 3210 (Where is it?)
- Phone (Google Voice, preferred): 858-952-1248
- Phone (Office): 858-534-3066
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
University of California San Diego
Ph.D. 2004, Physics, Harvard University
- Research Group Webpage:
- Group Contact Info
[edit] Honors and Awards:
- NSF CAREER (Faculty Early Career Development) Award, 2010
- Hellman Faculty Fellow Award, 2009
- UCSD Faculty Career Development Award, 2009
- Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award, 2008
- Center for Nanoscale Materials Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow (Argonne National Laboratory), 2005-2007
- Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow, 2004-2005
- R. E. Marshak fellowship 1995-1996
- P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute (FIAN) Fellowship, 1995
- Soros Foundation Fellowship 1994-1995
- Excimer Fellowship 1994-1995
- Silver medal, International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), Williamsburg, USA (1993)
[edit] Teaching:
- Physics 2 Series: PHYS 2A, PHYS 2B, PHYS 2C, PHYS 2CL
- Physics 100C, "Electromagnetism"
- Physics 2CL, "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
Winter 2009: Physics 2CL "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
Winter and Spring 2008: Physics 2CL "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
[edit] Professional Service:
- Academic Integrity Board Member, UC San Diego
- Chair, Committee for Academic Scholarships and Honors, UC San Diego;
- Chair, CSX, Soft X-ray Coherent Scattering Beamline, NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Scientific Advisory Committee, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, Chicago, IL;
- Member (elected), LCLS User Organizing Committee, SLAC, Stanford, CA;
- Member (elected), APS User Organizing Committee, Argonne National Lab, IL
- Member, Advanced Light Source Proposal Study Panel, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab;
- Member, Advanced Photon Source Proposal Review Panel, Argonne National Lab;
- Organizer, International Winter School on Superconductivity, Hong Kong, 2013
- Organizer, Focus Topic, APS March Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2010
- Faculty Advisor, UCSD Undergraduates Society for Physics Students (SPS)
- Member, Committee of Visitors, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Dept. Of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences (2012)
- Reviewer for NSF, DOE, AFOSR, as well as European, Canadian and Asian funding agencies
- Member, Beam Advisory Team, CHX (XPCS) Beamline NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Organizer, UCSD Young Physicist Program (YPP) for K-12
- Member, Beam Advisory Team for CSX (Soft X-ray) Beamline, NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Lecturer, Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- Lecturer, 2012 School for Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering, Argonne, IL
- Lecturer, 2007 School for Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering, Argonne, IL
- Organizer, Boston Area Undergraduate Physics Competition
- Professional Referee. Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Europhysics Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
[edit] Selected Publications:
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Direct measurement of antiferromagnetic domain fluctuations" Nature 447, 68 (2007)
- R. Jaramillo et al., "Microscopic and Macroscopic Signatures of Antiferromagnetic Domains Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117206 (2007)
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Surface Crystallization in a Liquid AuSi Alloy" Science 313, 77 (2006)
- K. J. Alvine, O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Capillary filling of anodized alumina nanopore arrays Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 175503 (2006)
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Atomic-Scale Surface Demixing in a Eutectic Liquid BiSn Alloy" Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 106103 (2005)
[edit] Funding:'
- Hellman Foundation
- UCSD Career Development Award
- Argonne LDRD
[edit] Recent Presentations:
- 1. Magnetism Cross-Cut Review, ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, October 21, 2013
- 2. Physics Colloquium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 17, 2013
- 3. Workshop on Scientific Opportunities using High Repetition Rate X-ray Sources with 1-10 ps Bunch Length, SLAC, Stanford, CA, Oct. 4, 2013.
- 4. Frontiers in Quantum Solids: Combining Soft X-rays and Ultra-fast Techniques, SLAC, Stanford, CA, Oct. 4, 2013.
- 5. Plenary Talk, LCLS/SSRL Users Meeting, Stanford, CA, October 3, 2013
- 6. Liquid and Amorphous Materials (LAM-15) Conference, Beijing, China, September 2013
- 7. Physics Colloquium, Northern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, Sept. 2013
- 8. NSLS-II Early Science Workshop, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY Aug 13, 2013
- 9. DOE-BES Advisory Committee (BESAC) Light Sources Subcommittee Meeting, Bethesda, MD, July 11, 2013
- 10. California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) Seminar, UC Santa Barbara, CA, May 31, 2013
- 11. Ptycho 2013, International workshop on the state and future of ptychography, Hohenkammer, Germany, May 6 2013
- 12. China/US Winter School and Workshop on Search for Superconductivity, Hong Kong, Jan. 22, 2013
- 13. Materials Science Division Seminar, Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, January 10, 2013
- 14. Physics Colloquium, University of Chicago, January 9, 2013
- 15. Workshop on Diffraction Limited Storage Rings, Spring-8, Japan, Dec. 12, 2012
- 16. Physics Colloquium, SUNY Stony Brook, October 2, 2012
- 17. Physics Colloquium, College of William and Mary, Sep.9, 2012
- 18. Next Generation Light Source Workshop, Berkeley National Lab, Aug. 28, 2012
- 19. Annual Oxide Interfaces Workshop, Harvard, August 7-8, 2012
- 20. DARPA PULSE Workshop, Arlington, VA, July 17, 2012
- 21. Condensed Matter Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, May 2012
- 22. X-rays in 4th Dimensions Workshop, Chicago, IL, May 2012
- 23. Applied Physics & Photon Sciences Seminar, Stanford University, March 2012
- 24. Nanoengineering Seminar, UC San Diego, April 2012
- 25. Condensed Matter Seminar, SUNY Stony Brook, Feb. 2012
- 26. Physics Colloquium, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain, October 2011
- 27. Physics Colloquium, Iowa State University, September 2011
- 28. Physics Colloquium, UC San Diego, September 2011
- 29. Gordon Conference on X-ray Science, August, 2011
- 30. Workshop on New Frontiers in Soft X-ray Scattering and Imaging: COSMIC, Berkeley, CA August 2011
- 31. XDL Workshop “Diffraction Microscopy, Holography and Ptychography using Coherent Beams,” Cornell University, June 2011
- 32. DOE BES Contractors Meeting, Warrenton, VA, October 2010
- 33. “Nanoscale X-ray Imaging of Novel Materials”, Workshop on Evolution and Control of Complexity, Argonne National Lab, October 2010
- 34. Condensed Matter Seminar, UC San Diego, October 2010
- 35. “X-ray and Infrared Nano-Imaging in Search for Novel Superconductors”, China-US Workshop on Novel Superconductors, Beijing, China Sept. 2010
- 36. APS Upgrade Liquid Surface Scattering Workshop, Argonne, IL, August 2010
- 37. Tenth International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM-2010), Chicago, IL, August 2010
- 38. AFOSR Workshop on Search for Novel Superconductivity, Washington DC, August, 2010
- 39. The 11th International Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS-11) Evanston, IL, July 2010
- 40. Next Generation Light Source (NGLS) Condensed Matter Workshop, ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, May 2010
- 41. Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Kiel, Germany, March 2010
- 42. Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences, DESY Hamburg, Germany, March 2010
- 43. “Applications of X-ray Photon Correlation spectroscopy” 2nd School and Workshop on X-ray Micro and Nanprobes (XMNP2009), Palinuro Salerno, Italy, June 2009
- 44. “Fundamental aspects of X-ray Photon Correlation spectroscopy” 2nd School and Workshop on X-ray Micro and Nano probes (XMNP2009), Palinuro Salerno, Italy, June 2009
- 45. “A novel methodology for an enlightened search for new superconductors.” International Workshop on the Search for New Superconductors, Kanagawa, Japan, May 2009
- 46. “Domain wall dynamics in antiferromagnetic Chromium”, UCLA Physics Seminar, April 2009
- 47. “Surface freezing in liquid binary alloys”, NSF Review of Consortium for Advanced Radiation, University of Chicago, Argonne, IL, May 2008
- 48. “Domain wall dynamics in antiferromagnetic Chromium”, Workshop on Nanoscale phenomena near phase transitions, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,I L, May 2008
- 49. “Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award Presentation, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL May 2008
- 50. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Chromium”, Advanced Light Source Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, April 2008
- 51. “Phase defects in spin-ordered materials”, NSLS-II Coherent Diffraction Imaging workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, March 2008
- 52. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Dynamics in Chromium”, NSLS-II XPCS workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, January 2008
- 53. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Dynamics in Chromium” DOE Review of Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, IL, December 2007
- 54. “Studies of Capillary Dynamics with X-ray Diffuse Scattering”, Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering School, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, November 2007
- 55. “XPCS Studies of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Dynamics in Elemental Chromium” SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting and Workshops, New Opportunities in Imaging and X-ray Microscopy, Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA, October 2007
- 56. “XPCS Studies of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Fluctuations” DOE Review of Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, September 2007
- 57. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, CNM Users Meeting, X-ray Nanoprobe Workshop, Argonne, IL, May 2007
- 58. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Dynamics”, Coherence-2007, International Workshop on Phase Retrieval and Coherent Scattering, Monterey, CA, July 2007
- 59. “Dynamics of Spin Density Wave Domains in Chromium”, The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Houston, TX, May 2007
- 60. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, CNM Users Meeting, Argonne, IL, May 2007
- 61. “Dynamics in quantum magnets”, APS Users Seminar, Argonne, IL, April 2007
- 62. “Dynamics in quantum magnets”, Colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2007
- 63. “Dynamics of domain walls in Chromium”, Physics Colloquium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, February 2007
- 64. “Dynamics of domain walls in Chromium”, Condensed Matter Seminar, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, January 2007