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Contents |
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Office: Mayer Hall 3210 (Where is it?)
- Phone (Google Voice, preferred): 858-952-1248
- Phone (Office): 858-534-3066
- My [CV]
Associate Professor, Department of Physics
University of California San Diego
Ph.D. 2004, Physics, Harvard University
- Research Group Webpage:
- Group Contact Info
Honors and Awards:
- NSF CAREER (Faculty Early Career Development) Award, 2010
- Hellman Faculty Fellow Award, 2009
- UCSD Faculty Career Development Award, 2009
- Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award, 2008
- Center for Nanoscale Materials Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow (Argonne National Laboratory), 2005-2007
- Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences Postdoctoral Fellow, 2004-2005
- R. E. Marshak fellowship 1995-1996
- P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute (FIAN) Fellowship, 1995
- Soros Foundation Fellowship 1994-1995
- Excimer Fellowship 1994-1995
- Silver medal, International Physics Olympiad (IPhO), Williamsburg, USA (1993)
- Physics 2 Series: PHYS 2A, PHYS 2B, PHYS 2C, PHYS 2CL
- Physics 100C, "Electromagnetism"
- Physics 2CL, "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
Winter 2009: Physics 2CL "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
Winter and Spring 2008: Physics 2CL "Physics Laboratory: Electricity and Magnetism, Waves and Optics"
Professional Service:
- Member (elected), LCLS User Organizing Committee, SLAC, Stanford, CA;
- Member (elected), APS User Organizing Committee, Argonne National Lab, IL
- Member, Advanced Light Source Proposal Study Panel, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab;
- Member, Advanced Photon Source Proposal Review Panel, Argonne National Lab;
- Organizer, International Winter School on Superconductivity, Hong Kong, 2013
- Organizer, Focus Topic, APS March Meeting, Portland, Oregon, 2010
- Faculty Advisor, UCSD Undergraduates Society for Physics Students (SPS)
- Member, Committee of Visitors, Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), Dept. Of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences (2012)
- Reviewer for NSF, DOE, AFOSR, as well as European, Canadian and Asian funding agencies
- Member, Beam Advisory Team, CHX (XPCS) Beamline NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Organizer, UCSD Young Physicist Program (YPP) for K-12
- Member, Beam Advisory Team for CSX (Soft X-ray) Beamline, NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory.
- Lecturer, Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- Lecturer, 2012 School for Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering, Argonne, IL
- Lecturer, 2007 School for Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering, Argonne, IL
- Organizer, Boston Area Undergraduate Physics Competition
- Professional Referee. Nature Materials, Physical Review Letters, Physical Review B, Europhysics Letters, Journal of Physical Chemistry, Journal of Chemical Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Selected Publications:
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Direct measurement of antiferromagnetic domain fluctuations" Nature 447, 68 (2007)
- R. Jaramillo et al., "Microscopic and Macroscopic Signatures of Antiferromagnetic Domains Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 117206 (2007)
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Surface Crystallization in a Liquid AuSi Alloy" Science 313, 77 (2006)
- K. J. Alvine, O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Capillary filling of anodized alumina nanopore arrays Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 175503 (2006)
- O. G. Shpyrko et al., "Atomic-Scale Surface Demixing in a Eutectic Liquid BiSn Alloy" Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 106103 (2005)
- Hellman Foundation
- UCSD Career Development Award
- Argonne LDRD
Recent Presentations:
- 1. Magnetism Cross-Cut Review, ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, October 21, 2013
- 2. Physics Colloquium, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 17, 2013
- 3. Workshop on Scientific Opportunities using High Repetition Rate X-ray Sources with 1-10 ps Bunch Length, SLAC, Stanford, CA, Oct. 4, 2013.
- 4. Frontiers in Quantum Solids: Combining Soft X-rays and Ultra-fast Techniques, SLAC, Stanford, CA, Oct. 4, 2013.
- 5. Plenary Talk, LCLS/SSRL Users Meeting, Stanford, CA, October 3, 2013
- 6. Liquid and Amorphous Materials (LAM-15) Conference, Beijing, China, September 2013
- 7. Physics Colloquium, Northern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, Sept. 2013
- 8. NSLS-II Early Science Workshop, Brookhaven National Lab, Upton, NY Aug 13, 2013
- 9. DOE-BES Advisory Committee (BESAC) Light Sources Subcommittee Meeting, Bethesda, MD, July 11, 2013
- 10. California NanoSystems Institute (CNSI) Seminar, UC Santa Barbara, CA, May 31, 2013
- 11. Ptycho 2013, International workshop on the state and future of ptychography, Hohenkammer, Germany, May 6 2013
- 12. China/US Winter School and Workshop on Search for Superconductivity, Hong Kong, Jan. 22, 2013
- 13. Materials Science Division Seminar, Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, January 10, 2013
- 14. Physics Colloquium, University of Chicago, January 9, 2013
- 15. Workshop on Diffraction Limited Storage Rings, Spring-8, Japan, Dec. 12, 2012
- 16. Physics Colloquium, SUNY Stony Brook, October 2, 2012
- 17. Physics Colloquium, College of William and Mary, Sep.9, 2012
- 18. Next Generation Light Source Workshop, Berkeley National Lab, Aug. 28, 2012
- 19. Annual Oxide Interfaces Workshop, Harvard, August 7-8, 2012
- 20. DARPA PULSE Workshop, Arlington, VA, July 17, 2012
- 21. Condensed Matter Seminar, Brookhaven National Laboratory, May 2012
- 22. X-rays in 4th Dimensions Workshop, Chicago, IL, May 2012
- 23. Applied Physics & Photon Sciences Seminar, Stanford University, March 2012
- 24. Nanoengineering Seminar, UC San Diego, April 2012
- 25. Condensed Matter Seminar, SUNY Stony Brook, Feb. 2012
- 26. Physics Colloquium, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain, October 2011
- 27. Physics Colloquium, Iowa State University, September 2011
- 28. Physics Colloquium, UC San Diego, September 2011
- 29. Gordon Conference on X-ray Science, August, 2011
- 30. Workshop on New Frontiers in Soft X-ray Scattering and Imaging: COSMIC, Berkeley, CA August 2011
- 31. XDL Workshop “Diffraction Microscopy, Holography and Ptychography using Coherent Beams,” Cornell University, June 2011
- 32. DOE BES Contractors Meeting, Warrenton, VA, October 2010
- 33. “Nanoscale X-ray Imaging of Novel Materials”, Workshop on Evolution and Control of Complexity, Argonne National Lab, October 2010
- 34. Condensed Matter Seminar, UC San Diego, October 2010
- 35. “X-ray and Infrared Nano-Imaging in Search for Novel Superconductors”, China-US Workshop on Novel Superconductors, Beijing, China Sept. 2010
- 36. APS Upgrade Liquid Surface Scattering Workshop, Argonne, IL, August 2010
- 37. Tenth International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM-2010), Chicago, IL, August 2010
- 38. AFOSR Workshop on Search for Novel Superconductivity, Washington DC, August, 2010
- 39. The 11th International Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering (SXNS-11) Evanston, IL, July 2010
- 40. Next Generation Light Source (NGLS) Condensed Matter Workshop, ALS, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, May 2010
- 41. Colloquium, Physics Department, University of Kiel, Germany, March 2010
- 42. Research Course on New X-Ray Sciences, DESY Hamburg, Germany, March 2010
- 43. “Applications of X-ray Photon Correlation spectroscopy” 2nd School and Workshop on X-ray Micro and Nanprobes (XMNP2009), Palinuro Salerno, Italy, June 2009
- 44. “Fundamental aspects of X-ray Photon Correlation spectroscopy” 2nd School and Workshop on X-ray Micro and Nano probes (XMNP2009), Palinuro Salerno, Italy, June 2009
- 45. “A novel methodology for an enlightened search for new superconductors.” International Workshop on the Search for New Superconductors, Kanagawa, Japan, May 2009
- 46. “Domain wall dynamics in antiferromagnetic Chromium”, UCLA Physics Seminar, April 2009
- 47. “Surface freezing in liquid binary alloys”, NSF Review of Consortium for Advanced Radiation, University of Chicago, Argonne, IL, May 2008
- 48. “Domain wall dynamics in antiferromagnetic Chromium”, Workshop on Nanoscale phenomena near phase transitions, Center for Nanoscale Materials, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne,I L, May 2008
- 49. “Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, Rosalind Franklin Young Investigator Award Presentation, Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL May 2008
- 50. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Chromium”, Advanced Light Source Seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, April 2008
- 51. “Phase defects in spin-ordered materials”, NSLS-II Coherent Diffraction Imaging workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, March 2008
- 52. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Dynamics in Chromium”, NSLS-II XPCS workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY, January 2008
- 53. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Dynamics in Chromium” DOE Review of Advanced Photon Source, Argonne, IL, December 2007
- 54. “Studies of Capillary Dynamics with X-ray Diffuse Scattering”, Liquid Surface X-ray Scattering School, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, November 2007
- 55. “XPCS Studies of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Dynamics in Elemental Chromium” SSRL/LCLS Users Meeting and Workshops, New Opportunities in Imaging and X-ray Microscopy, Stanford University, Menlo Park, CA, October 2007
- 56. “XPCS Studies of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Fluctuations” DOE Review of Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab, Argonne, IL, September 2007
- 57. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, CNM Users Meeting, X-ray Nanoprobe Workshop, Argonne, IL, May 2007
- 58. “XPCS Study of Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Dynamics”, Coherence-2007, International Workshop on Phase Retrieval and Coherent Scattering, Monterey, CA, July 2007
- 59. “Dynamics of Spin Density Wave Domains in Chromium”, The International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Houston, TX, May 2007
- 60. “Domain Wall Dynamics in Quantum Antiferromagnets”, CNM Users Meeting, Argonne, IL, May 2007
- 61. “Dynamics in quantum magnets”, APS Users Seminar, Argonne, IL, April 2007
- 62. “Dynamics in quantum magnets”, Colloquium, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL, March 2007
- 63. “Dynamics of domain walls in Chromium”, Physics Colloquium, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, February 2007
- 64. “Dynamics of domain walls in Chromium”, Condensed Matter Seminar, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA, January 2007