Code and Coding

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Analysis Code

Below are available versions of XPCS code in MatLab. Run XPCS_MainGUI.m to start the program. Please, contact Sebastian if you have suggestions or problems.

File:XPCS - Basic tool to load .hdf and .fits files and analyze within a desired region.

  • Import/export masks
  • Draw masks with rectangles, circles, polygons, or freehand
  • Define masked based on certain threshold value
  • Play movie of data
  • Define the setup using; automatically calculates q-scale across CCD
  • Backround subtraction via automatically scaled images or defined values
  • Define independed data sets for analysis
  • Average over defined images
  • Autocorrelation and normalized difference method both compared to first or previous image

Coding Tips and Tricks

Working with large data in Matlab 32-bit version

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