Group Members
Contents |
Current Group Members:
Group Photo
'*' group member in law
Countries Represented: U.S.A, Ukraine, South Korea, France, Germany, People's Republic of China, Taiwan.
Principal Investigator:
Oleg Shpyrko Associate Professor, Department of Physics University of California San Diego
Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University, 2004
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Dr. Andrej Singer, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-present B.S. M.S. Ph.D. Physics, 2013 Research Topic: |
Graduate Students:
Sebastian Dietze, Graduate Student B.S. Physics, U Texas Austin 2008 M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2010. Research Topic: Magnetic nanostructures. | |
Moses Marsh, Graduate Student B.S. Physics, Univ. of California Santa Barbara 2009 M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2011. Research Topic: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems | |
Jong Woo Kim, MSE Graduate Student 2009-present M. Sc. Seoul National University Research Topic: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems | |
Leandra Boucheron, Graduate Student 2010-present B.S. Physics, New Mexico Tech 2010 M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2012 Research Topic: Soft Matter and Liquid Surface Scattering | |
Jacob Stanley, Graduate Student 2008-present B.S Physics and B.S. Math, UC Santa Cruz 2007. M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2009. Research Topic: Surface Scattering, X-ray Source construction | |
Andrew Ulvestad, Graduate Student 2012-present B.S Physics, UCSD, 2010 M.S. Physics, U Chicago, 2012 Research Topic: Coherent Imaging and XPCS | |
James Wingert,Graduate Student 2013-present |
Undergraduate Students:
Christopher Parzyck |
Yeling Dai, Graduate Student, 2008-2013 B.S. Physics, The University of Science and Technology of China, 2006 M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2008. Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego 2013. Research Topic: Dynamics of nanoconfined materials, Liquid Surface Scattering. | |
Edwin Fohtung, , Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2013 B.Sc. Technical Physics, Minor - Physical Electronics, St Petersburg State Technical University, Russia 2005 M.Sc. Technical Physics , Minor - Physical Electronics, 2007 Ph.D. Physics\Material Science, University of Freiburg, Germany 2010 Research Topic: Combination of first-principles, semi-empirical techniques. Novel coherent x-ray diffraction imaging techniques to study the fundamental physics of novel materials with potential technological importance. Strain Mediated Magnetoelectric Coupling as a route to Novel Hybrid Multiferroic Devices Switching of Ferroelectrics Domains and Magnetoelectric coupling in heterostructures | |
Ash Tripathi, Graduate Student, 2007-2012 B.S. Electrical Engineering, U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign 2005 M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2007 Ph.D., UCSD 2012 Research Topic: Novel coherent x-ray imaging techniques, ptychographic iterative engine, lens-less imaging. Nanodiffraction studies of metal-insulator transition. | |
Marion Fuhrmann,visting student March-June,2013 | |
Eva Isaacs, undergrad researcher, 2012-2013 | |
Gurleen Bal Current Whereabouts: Volunteer, Teach for America | |
Brandon Stevenson, Undergraduate Student 2006-2010 B.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2010 Research Topic: Fresnel Coherent Diffractive Imaging, Two-color imaging. Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at UCLA | |
Sam Stanwyck
Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems. Light Scattering. | |
Veronica Burnett
Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at UC San Diego | |
LLuvia Rodriguez Currently a Physics Graduate Student, Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo | |
Anashe Bandari Currently a Physics Graduate Student, California State University, Long Beach | |
Charles Neill
Research Topic: Light Scattering | |
David Kirszenblat
Research Topic: Light Scattering. | |
Loic Jacot Descombes, visiting student, Nov 2008-April 2009 Masters Student at ETH Zurich, Switzerland | |
Magnus Heinz, undergraduate researcher, 2009-2010 Current Whereabouts: Master's program in Computational Science, University of Frankfurt, Germany. | |
Sarah Garcia, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009 | |
Andrew McLeod, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009 Current Whereabouts: Scotland, via UCSD exchange program. | |
Kevin Duggento, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009 | |
Dr. Jyoti Mohanty, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2009
Currently a Scientist at Technical University Berlin. | |
Michael Folkerts undergraduate researcher, 2008-2010
Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems. Light Scattering. |