Group Members

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Current Group Members:

Group Photo

Group Photo, March 25, 2013 Shpyrko group, Jan 2015. (l-to-r): Oleg Shpyrko, Andrej Singer, Andrew Ulvestad, James Wingert, Leandra Boucheron, Jacob Stanley, Sebastian Dietze, Roopali Kookreja, Jong Woo Kim
Group Photo, March 25, 2013 (l-to-r): Oleg Shpyrko, Jim Wingert, Jong Woo Kim, Sebastian Dietze, Leandra Boucheron, Edwin Fohtung, Marion Fuhrman, Andrew Ulvestad, Jacob Stanley, Yeling Dai

Principal Investigator

Prof. Oleg Shpyrko
Oleg Shpyrko
Associate Professor, Department of Physics

University of California San Diego
Ph.D. 2004, Physics, Harvard University

Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University, 2004 (CV)

  • Office: Mayer Hall 3210 (Where is it?), 9500 Gilman Dr., MC-0319, UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0319
  • Phone (Google Voice, preferred): 858-952-1248
  • Phone (Office): 858-534-3066

Postdoctoral Fellows

Dr. Andrej Singer
Dr. Andrej Singer, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2013-present
Ph.D. Physics, 2013

Research Topic:

Dr. Roopali Kukreja
Dr. Roopali Kukreja, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2014-present
Ph.D. Physics, 2014

Research Topic:

Graduate Students

James Wingert
James Wingert, Graduate Student 2013-present
Nelson Hua
Nelson Hua, Graduate Student 2014-present
Devin Cela
Devin Cela, Graduate Student 2015-present


Undergraduate Students

Olesya Kovalchuk
Olesya Kovalchuk, Undergraduate Student 2015-present


Leandra Boucheron
Leandra Boucheron, Graduate Student, 2010-2015
B.S. Physics, New Mexico Tech, 2010
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2012
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2015
Research Topic: Soft Matter and Liquid Surface Scattering
Andrew Ulvestad
Andrew Ulvestad, Graduate Student, 2012-2015
B.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2010
M.S. Physics, U Chicago, 2012
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2015
Research Topic: Coherent Imaging and XPCS
Sebastian Dietze
Sebastian Dietze, Graduate Student, 2008-2015
B.S. Physics, U Texas Austin, 2008
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2010
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2015

Research Topic: Magnetic nanostructures.

Jacob Stanley
Jacob Stanley, Graduate Student, 2008-2015
B.S. Physics and B.S. Math, UC Santa Cruz, 2007
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2009
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2015
Research Topic: Surface Scattering
Moses Marsh
Moses Marsh, Graduate Student, 2009-2013
B.S. Physics, Univ. of California Santa Barbara 2009
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2011.

Research Topic: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems

Jong Woo Kim
Jong Woo Kim, MSE Graduate Student, 2009-2015
M. Sc. Seoul National University
Ph.D., UC San Diego, 2015

Research Topic: Superconductivity and Correlated Electron Systems

Yeling Dai
Yeling Dai, Graduate Student, 2008-2013
B.S. Physics, The University of Science and Technology of China, 2006
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2008
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2013
Research Topic: Dynamics of nanoconfined materials, Liquid Surface Scattering.
Dr. Edwin Fohtung
Edwin Fohtung, , Postdoctoral Fellow 2011-2013
B.Sc. Technical Physics, Minor - Physical Electronics, St Petersburg State Technical University, Russia 2005
M.Sc. Technical Physics , Minor - Physical Electronics, 2007
Ph.D. Physics\Material Science, University of Freiburg, Germany 2010
Research Topic:

Combination of first-principles, semi-empirical techniques. Novel coherent x-ray diffraction imaging techniques to study the fundamental physics of novel materials with potential technological importance. Strain Mediated Magnetoelectric Coupling as a route to Novel Hybrid Multiferroic Devices Switching of Ferroelectrics Domains and Magnetoelectric coupling in heterostructures

Ash Tripathi
Ash Tripathi, Graduate Student, 2007-2012
B.S. Electrical Engineering, U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 2005
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego, 2007
Ph.D. Physics, UC San Diego, 2012
Research Topic: Novel coherent x-ray imaging techniques, ptychographic iterative engine, lens-less imaging. Nanodiffraction studies of metal-insulator transition.
Marion Fuhrmann
Marion Fuhrmann,visting student, March-June 2013
Christopher Parzyck
Christopher Parzyck, undergraduate researcher, 2012-2013
Eva Isaacs
Eva Isaacs, undergrad researcher, 2012-2013
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Gurleen Bal Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at UCLA
Brandon Stevenson
Brandon Stevenson, Undergraduate Student 2006-2010
B.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2010
Research Topic: Fresnel Coherent Diffractive Imaging, Two-color imaging. Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at UCLA
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Sam Stanwyck

Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems. Light Scattering.
Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at Stanford

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Veronica Burnett
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LLuvia Rodriguez
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Anashe Bandari Currently a Physics Graduate Student
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Charles Neill

Research Topic: Light Scattering
Current Whereabouts: Physics Graduate Student at UC Santa Barbara

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David Kirszenblat

Research Topic: Light Scattering.
, Currently a Physics Graduate Student, University of Melbourne

Loic Jacot Dewcombes
Loic Jacot Descombes, visiting student, Nov 2008-April 2009

Masters Student at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Masters Thesis: Dynamic Light Scattering studies of fluid microdynamics (PDF)
B.S. Physics, Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne, Switzerland 2007
Research Topic: Light Scattering Studies of micro- and nano-particles.
Current Whereabouts: ETH Zurich, Switzerland.

Magnus Heinz
Magnus Heinz, undergraduate researcher, 2009-2010

Current Whereabouts: Master's program in Computational Science, University of Frankfurt, Germany.

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Sarah Garcia, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009
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Andrew McLeod, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009
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Kevin Duggento, undergraduate researcher, 2008-2009
Dr. Jyoti Mohanty
Dr. Jyoti Mohanty, Postdoctoral Fellow, 2008-2009

Research Topic: X-ray magnetic dichroism studies of magnetic thin films, magnetic and orbital domains in manganese oxides, charge density wave systems.

Currently a Scientist at Technical University Berlin.
Jyoti's website

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Michael Folkerts undergraduate researcher, 2008-2010

Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems. Light Scattering.
Mike is currently a UCSD Physics Ph.D. student in Medical Imaging at UCSD Cancer Center.

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