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Welcome to the Shpyrko Group Wiki. Group - Feel free to create new pages or edit existing pages as you see fit. You must create new name account at create account page. Use Sandbox to practice wikipedia syntax.

For any questions please contact wiki admin, Oleg Shpyrko.




More News

Group Members

Group Photo, June 8, 2009. L-to-R: Michael Folkerts, Sebastian Dietze, Lluvia Rodriguez, Andrew McLeod, Ash Tripathi, Yeling Dai, Oleg Shpyrko. Not pictured: Dr. Jyoti Mohanty, Anache Bandari, Sam Stanwyck, Sarah Garcia

Detailed Group Listings

Principal Investigator:

Prof. Oleg Shpyrko
Oleg Shpyrko
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics

University of California San Diego
Ph.D. 2004, Physics, Harvard University

Ph.D. Physics, Harvard University, 2004

  • Office: Mayer Hall Addition 3681 (Where is it?)
  • Phone (Google Voice, preferred): 858-952-1248
  • Phone (Office): 858-534-3066

Postdoctoral fellow(s):

Dr. Jyoti Mohanty
Dr. Jyoti Mohanty, Postdoctoral Fellow

Ph.D. Physics, Paul Drude Institute, Humboldt University, Germany 2005

Research Topic: X-ray magnetic dichroism studies of magnetic thin films, magnetic and orbital domains in manganese oxides, charge density wave systems.

Graduate Students:

Ash Tripathi
Ash Tripathi, Graduate Student
B.S. Electrical Engineering, U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign 2005
M.S. Physics, UC San Diego 2007

Research Topic: Novel coherent x-ray imaging techniques, ptychographic iterative engine, lens-less imaging. Nanodiffraction studies of metal-insulator transition.
Yeling Dai
Yeling Dai, Graduate Student
B.S. Physics, The University of Science and Technology of China, 2006
Research Topic: Dynamics of nanoconfined materials, Liquid Surface Scattering.
Sebastian Dietze
Sebastian Dietze, Graduate Student
B.S. Physics, U Texas Austin 2008

Research Topic: Magnetic nanostructures.

Undergraduate Students:

Mike icon.jpg
* Michael Folkerts

Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems.

Sam Stanwyck.jpg
* Sam Stanwyck

Research Topic: Dynamics of Jammed Systems.

Group Alumni:

Loic Jacot Dewcombes
Loic Jacot Descombes, visiting student, Nov 2008-April 2009

Masters Student at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Masters Thesis: Dynamic Light Scattering studies of fluid microdynamics (PDF)
B.S. Physics, Ecole Polytechnique federale de Lausanne, Switzerland 2007
Research Topic: Light Scattering Studies of micro- and nano-particles.
Current Whereabouts: ETH Zurich, Switzerland.


The Webpage for Spring 2009 quarter of PHYS_100C



X-ray Group Journal Club

Group Calendar:

  • Brief Upcoming Group Agenda:

UCSD Physics Department:

UC San Diego Physics Department Faculty

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