PHYS 100C Spring 2010

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Welcome to Physics 100C webpage for Spring'2010 Quarter.


  • June 11: Final Exam Scores and Total Scores are posted here: gDocs. I will be available on Monday, June 14th, from 1PM to 3PM for final exam pick up and discussions in my office, MH 3210.
  • June 9: Final Exam Solutions (PDF) are posted.
  • June 6: Reminder that final exam is TOMORROW, June 7th, from 8:00AM to 11:00AM in Peterson 103.
  • June 1: Wednesday, June 2nd, will be the last lecture for PHYS 100C. There will be no Lecture/Review Session on Friday, June 4th - please use this time to review past material and homeworks. A reminder that final exam is next Monday, June 7.
  • June 1: Lecture Notes for week of May 24-28 - Lecture 23 PDF, Lecture 24 PDF, Lecture 25 PDF.
  • June 1: HW 4 Solutions PDF, HW 5 Solutions PDF, HW 6 Solutions PDF, and HW 7 Solutions PDF are posted.
  • May 28: Grades for HW #1-7 are posted
  • May 25: HW #8, Problems 12.10, 12.29 and 12.30, due Wed, June 2nd.
  • May 19: Lectures 21 and 22 (May 17 and 19, respectively) (PDF). Special relativity postulates, time dilation and Lorentz contraction. 4-vectors, time-like and space-like intervals. Michelson-Morley experiment.
  • May 19: Homework #7 (PDF) is Problems 12.6, 12.7 and 12.17, due on Wednesday, May 26 (instead of Monday), I will provide hints if needed during Monday lecture.
  • May 19: NOTE: There will be NO discussion session on Friday, May 21st, and a guest lecturer, Sunny Sinha, will substitute for me during Friday lecture.
  • May 17: Lectures 19 (PDF) and Lectures 20 (PDF) from May 12th and 14th.
  • May 13: Side notes from class: What's wrong with refraction in Pink Floyd's "Dark Side of the Moon" album cover art?

1. Purple, magneta and pink are not fundamental spectral colors, they are each a combination of several spectral colors.

2. Most of the refraction appears to occur at first interface: Colors that had the most refraction at the first interface (purple) have the least refraction at the second interface. It should be the opposite.

3. In fact, red/magenta color is incident at second interface at nearly 90 degrees and should have least amount of refraction. Purple doesn't seem to refract much at all at the second interface.

But none of this is nearly as bad as the back cover of the album. The colors are inverted - dispersion should make violet refract the most and red the least. The fan of colors should be diverging, not converging. Red seems to refract in the opposite direction (as if n<1 inside the prism).

  • May 12: Homework 6 (PDF): Problems 11.9, 11.10, 11.13 and 11.25. Due Mon, May 17th.
  • May 10: Lectures 17 (May 7) and 18 (May 10) (PDF). Summary: we derived the radiated E, B fields for oscillating dipole, using retarded potential formalism (11.1.1, 11.1.2 in the textbook). Result is spherical EM wave (transverse), intensity ~ fourth power of frequency (Rayleigh scattering and the reason for why the sky is blue), decays as inverse square of distance, has sin2(theta) angular anisotropy with respect to dipole orientation.

For those interested in deep discussions (obviously not required for this course!) on nature and direction of arrow of time see here, here, here, or here, or google "Boltzmann's Brain", "Arrow of time" or "Gibbs paradox".

Also see information about Rainbows, Solar Spectrum, Color Vision and Rayleigh Scattering.

  • May 10: Midterm Grades are posted (gDocs)
  • May 7: Midterm Solutions (PDF) posted. Homework grades 1-4 (gDocs)
  • May 4: Midterm is tomorrow, May 5th, in-class, 10:00AM-10:50AM. Open book exam. Bring your textbook, notes, and a bluebook. You will also need a calculator.
  • May 4: Lecture 15 (PDF) and Lecture 16 (PDF): Jefimenko's equations, Lienard-Wiechert potentials.
  • May 4: Homework #5 (PDF): Problems 10.10, 10.13, 10.17 (second part only: show 10.71 is true), 10.20, 10.21. Due Monday, May 10th.
  • May 3: Homework results (HW 1-3) posted here. Homework #3 solutions (PDF).
  • April 29: Tomorrow (Friday) we will have discussion session at 2PM instead of 3PM, same location WLH 2115.
  • April 28: Lecture 14 (PDF). We proved that retarded potentials defined in Lecture 13 satisfy the Maxwell equations in Lorenz gauge.
  • April 28: Homework #4, Problems 10.1, 10.3, 10.5 and 10.7 (PDF) is due Monday, May 3rd. The midterm will be moved to Wed, May 5th 10:00AM – 10:50AM (in class) instead of original plan of Friday, May 7th.
  • April 26: Lecture 13 (PDF) Introduction of potentials; Gauge transformations; Coulomb and Lorentz gauge.

Side note: as I briefly mentioned during the lecture today it is easy to get confused with too many loren(t)zes. Hendrik Lorentz is of Lorentz force, Lorentz contraction and Lorentz transformation fame. Ludvig Lorenz is of Lorenz gauge fame. Edward Norton Lorenz is of chaos theory, strange attractor and "butterfly effect" fame. (the last one not to be confused with actor Edward Norton). As best as I can tell, none of them are related.

  • April 26: grades for HW #2 are now posted, along with average and median grade values: (googleDoc)
  • April 25: homework 2 solutions posted (PDF)
  • April 23: I wanted to give problem 9.24 in homework #3, but due to a typo it got listed as 9.25. You can do either one, in my opinion 9.24 is a little easier, and more interesting.
  • April 19: Homework #3 (PDF), due April 26. Problems 9.19, 9.24, 9.27, 9.28, 9.30.
  • April 19: Homeworks #1 will be handed back during Friday Lecture. Homework scores are posted here. Homework #1 Solutions (PDF)
  • April 19: Lectures 9-12 (PDF) (rough outline): dispersion, waveguides.
  • April 14: Lecture 8 (PDF) summary: We derived dispersion relation for a simplistic "mass on a spring" model for electron in EM waves (Section 9.4.3). Additional material: Group velocity animations - see applets here and here, and also wikipedia page with relevant references about slowing down light to bike/running velocities and "negative" speed of light.
  • April 13: Office Hours this week are moved to Wednesday, April 14th at 3PM. My office is MH 3210.
  • April 12: Homework #2 (PDF), Probs: 9.13, 9.14, 9.15, 9.16. Due Monday, April 19th before lecture.
  • April 12: Lecture 7 (PDF) summary: We derived equations for EM waves in conducting media. The solutions for wavevector now have imaginary component, which means the wave amplitudes are exponentially decaying over "skin depth" near the surface. E and B are still mutually perpendicular, but are out of phase. (9.4.1)
  • April 9: Lecture 6 (PDF) summary: We derived Fresnel Law (Reflection/Transmission coefficients) for a more general case of oblique incidence, p-polarized wave; Discussed Brewster angle and applications (polarized glasses and Brewster Angle Microscopy). Section 9.3.3.

Reminder that HW#1 is due Mon April 12 at the beginning of the lecture, 10AM.

  • April 9: For those interested in history of science (not required for this course) - Who discovered Snell's Law?
  • April 7: Lecture 5 (PDF) summary: We derived equations for transmitted and reflected EM waves for a case of normal incidence (cont'd from Lecture 4), Section 9.3.2. We then derived a more general case of oblique incidence, derived three laws of relection/refraction from boundary condition alone. (9.3.3).
  • April 7: Effective Friday, April 9 and for duration of the quarter, the lecture location for physics 100C has been changed to Peterson 103 from the current WLH 2206. The days/time remain the same: MWF 10-10:50 A.M.
  • April 5: Lecture 4 (PDF) summary: We started deriving equations for transmitted and reflected EM waves for a case of normal incidence (9.3.2).
  • April 5: Yesterday's 7.2 magnitude earthquake provides us with an example of transverse (S-waves) and longitudinal (P-waves) seismic waves. P-waves (P stands for primary) propagate faster than S-waves, a fact that was used to determine the structure of Earth's interior. During earthquakes we feel mostly Love waves - surface waves which decay more slowly away from epicenter, and which move more slowly than P-waves or S-waves. Cats and dogs, however, are more sensitive and can pick up P- and S- "body" waves, warning us of the surfaces "Love waves" to come (my dog was pretty useless at this task yesterday, though).
  • April 2: Lecture 3 (PDF), summary: we have derived energy density, energy flux, momentum density and radiation pressure of EM waves (9.2.3), propagation of EM waves in Linear Media (9.3.1).
  • April 2: Homework #1, due Monday April 12th (before class) is: Problems 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.10 and 9.11 (PDF).
  • March 31: Lecture 2 summary: we have discovered that light is an Electromagnetic Wave and derived EM waves in vacuum from Maxwell Eqs. (9.2.1, 9.2.2) (PDF)
  • March 29: Why Homework Matters - 2009 PHYS 100C statistics showing correlation between homework, midterm, final exam and total student rankings.
  • March 29: Lecture 1 summary: we covered waves in 1D (9.1.1-9.1.2), discussed transverse/longitudinal waves (9.1.4), refreshed Maxwell Eqs. (PDF). Please review these Formulas.
  • March 29: Lecture Notes from 2009 version of PHYS 100C can be found here - use for preview of upcoming material, actual notes for 2010 may change a bit.
  • March 23: Syllabus has been posted.
  • March 22: Discussion session: Fridays 3:00PM-3:50PM, WLH 2115.
  • March 22: RSS and Atom feeds allowing you to subscribe to/monitor changes to this page are available from this webpage (links in lower left panel).


PHYS 100C, Electromagnetism, Spring 2010, UC San Diego

Professor: Oleg Shpyrko,

Office: Mayer Hall 3210, ext. 4-3066 (Where is it?)

Office Hours: Discussion Session and afterwards: Fridays, 3:00-4:30PM. For additional time see me after lectures or on demand.

TA (Grader): Yuliya Kuznetsova,

Text: Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd Edition, by David J. Griffiths. (also check abebooks for used copies)

Lectures: Mon, Wed, Fri, 10:00AM-10:50AM, Peterson 103 (CHANGED!)

Discussion Session: Fridays 3-3:50PM,WLH 2115.

Homework: Assigned weekly, due Mondays, at the START of lecture. Will also be accepted at the Wed lecture, but with a 20% penalty.

Midterm: Wed, May 5th 10:00AM – 10:50AM, Peterson 103 (in class). Open book exam. Bring your textbook only, and a bluebook.

Final: June 7, 8:00AM – 11:00AM. Room TBD. Open book exam. Bring your textbook, notes, and a bluebook.

Grading: Homework=20%, Midterm =30%, Final=50%.

Academic Dishonesty: Please read the section entitled "UCSD Policy on Integrity of Scholarship" located in the2008-2009 General Catalog, The rules on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced!

Course Webpage: (RSS/Atom feeds available) ---


Week # Dates Topic (Chapter.Section) Homework Assignment
1 3/29-Apr 2. Lecture 1 summary: we covered waves in 1D (9.1.1-9.1.2), discussed transverse/longitudinal waves (9.1.4), refreshed Maxwell Eqs. (PDF). Lecture 2 summary: we have discovered that light is an Electromagnetic Wave and derived EM waves in vacuum from Maxwell Eqs. (9.2.1, 9.2.2) (PDF). Lecture 3 (PDF). Wave Equations, Electromagnetic Waves in Vacuum (9.1-9.2). Review these Formulas. Lecture 1 (PDF). Lecture 2 (PDF). Lecture 3(PDF). No homework during the first week
2 Apr 5-9. Lecture 4 (PDF). Lecture 5 (PDF). Lecture 6 (PDF). Electromagnetic Waves in Matter, Reflection and Transmission. Adsorption and Dispersion (9.3-9.4). Lecture 4 (PDF), Lecture 5 (PDF) Homework #1, due Monday April 12th (before class) is: Problems 9.2, 9.3, 9.5, 9.10 and 9.11 (PDF). HW#1 Solutions (PDF)
3 Apr 12-16. Lecture 7 (PDF). (9.4.1). Lecture 8 (PDF) summary: We derived dispersion relation for a simplistic "mass on a spring" model for electron in EM waves (Section 9.4.3). Waveguides and Antenna (9.5). Lectures 9-11 outline (PDF) Homework #2 (PDF): 9.13, 9.14, 9.15, 9.16. due Monday, April 19th before lecture. HW#2 solutions (PDF)
4 Apr 19-23. Lectures 9-12 (PDF) (rough outline): dispersion, waveguides. Potential formulation of Maxwell's equations and retarded potentials (10.1-10.2) Homework #3 (PDF): Problems 9.19, 9.24, 9.27, 9.28, 9.30. Due Monday, April 26.
5 Apr 26-30. Lecture 13 (PDF) Introduction of potentials; Gauge transformations; Coulomb and Lorentz gauge. Lecture 14 (PDF). We proved that retarded potentials defined in Lecture 13 satisfy the Maxwell equations in Lorenz gauge. Lienard-Wiechert potentials and fields of a moving point charge (10.3). Homework #4, Problems 10.1, 10.3, 10.5 and 10.7 (PDF) is due Monday, May 3rd. HW 4 Solutions PDF
6 May 3-7. Lecture 15 (PDF) and Lecture 16 (PDF): Jefimenko's equations, Lienard-Wiechert potentials. Midterm Solutions (PDF). Lectures 17 (May 7) and 18 (May 10) (PDF). Radiation (11). Midterm (Wednesday, May 5th) Homework #5 (PDF): Problems 10.10, 10.13, 10.17 (second part only: show 10.71 is true), 10.20, 10.21. Due Monday, May 10th. HW 5 Solutions PDF
7 May 10-14. Lectures 19 (PDF) and Lectures 20 (PDF) Radiation (11) cont'd. Homework 6 (PDF): Problems 11.9, 11.10, 11.13 and 11.25. Due Mon, May 17th.

HW 6 Solutions PDF

8 May 17-21. Lectures 21 and 22 (May 17 and 19, respectively) (PDF). Special relativity postulates, time dilation and Lorentz contraction. 4-vectors, time-like and space-like intervals. Michelson-Morley experiment. Special theory of relativity (12.1-12.2). Homework #7 (PDF) is Problems 12.6, 12.7 and 12.17. HW 7 Solutions PDF
9 May 24-28. Lecture 23 PDF, Lecture 24 PDF, Lecture 25 PDF. Proper velocity and momentum, relativistic field transformations, tensor formalism. Special theory of relativity (12.1-12.2). HW #8, Problems 12.10, 12.29 and 12.30, due Wed, June 2nd.
10 May 31-June 4 Relativistic Electrodynamics (12.2-12.3). No Homework - review past homeworks and solutions.

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